Monday, November 16, 2015


I look at my family and see all these wonderful and gifted talents, and I wonder where's mine?  What makes me stand out, aside from the fiery blaze of curly hair atop my head?  What talent do I have to give to the world that is uniquely me?  I don't think I've ever sat long enough to find it.  I don't think I've ever had the patience to see much through to fruition.  I'm a bit, oh look sparkles!

Then I realize this movement, this inability to sit still, this IS my gift.  With or without my consent, my life has always been pack your bag and go.  Even now having lived in my home for four years, I essentially live out of my car.  Work eight hours here, see clients there, teach a class 3 towns over.  That's a day's work and then some.  My early years were filled with dance competitions all over New England.  Dance taught me balance - quite literally, how to think on my toes, how to command an audience, how to fill a space with my presence, how to be humble and say thank you, how to take and follow direction, and think as part of a group.  I wouldn't be where I am today without those qualities.  But most of all dance taught me about movement, and although my love story with this type of stage is long history, its lessons live on.

Movement is so vitally important in life.  Water a life giving force, becomes stagnant and deadly without movement.  Our bodies and minds do the same.  I hold my emotions so deeply they become stone.  I used to dance that away.  As an adult I lift.  I lift to raise my own bar.  I lift to be a better me.  I lift to move my pain.  I lift to create a physical pain that makes the emotional pain hurt less.  I lift because it feels fuckin incredible to see how my mind has the control in all ways.  I lift to show myself that I can push past the barriers set before me.  I lift to create stability both physically and mentally.  I lift because I love movement, because if nothing else movement is all that I am.

Sometimes you get stuck in the mud.  You are absolutely covered in it, and all the people around you do is take pictures.  But remember, it's temporary and sometimes getting muddy is fun.


Despite my outgoing and boisterous nature, I am very much an internalist.  I act. I reflect. I analyze.  Maybe I have that backwards, and I should think more before I act.  But when I reflect and analyze on whether or not I should switch that up, I realize that's behavior pattern has guided me to where I am today.  And, frankly, I love my story.

Everyone has a story to tell. Some of it is mundane, some terrifying and some how you overcame the odds to be standing where you are RIGHT now.  This is my story.  This is my life. This is my perspective.  There are all kinds of awakenings in this life, I hope mine is graceful.